President, DISTED College
Professor in Sustainable Tourism, Wawasan Open University
Research specialisation:
Sustainable and Responsible Tourism;
Rural Tourism; Ecotourism Management;
Environmental Management;
Community-based Tourism; Green Tourism

Consultancy Projects
Member panel in the Ecotourism & sustainable development discussion in the Malaysia-Thailand Technology & Business Partnership Dialogue which was jointly organised by the Malaysian Industry- Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT) under the Office of the Science Advisor, Prime Minister’s Department of Malaysia, and the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand (NSTDA), in collaboration with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand. Consultant Member/ No funding (CSR)
Consultant for Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) in Developing Tourism Master Plan and Action Plan for Petaling Jaya. The project is in collaboration with Tourism Educators Association of Malaysia. Total Funding Awarded: RM50,000. Lead Consultant / External (National) funding
Consultant for National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN) based in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the project on “Globalisation and Internationalisation of Higher Education: Issues in Teaching & Learning and Outcomes of Higher Education”. Consultant Member / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN) based in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the project on developing a “Strategic Roadmap for Private Higher Education in Malaysia: Human Resources Issues in Private Higher Education in Malaysia”. Total Funding Awarded: RM2,500. Consultant Member / External (National) funding
Consultant for National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN) based in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the study on “Issues of International Students in Malaysia”. Consultant Member / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT) based in the Ministry of Higher Education for the project on “Leadership and Governance Issues in International Partnerships and Alliances”. Total Funding Awarded: RM10,000. Consultant Member / External (National) funding
Consultant for Ministry of Higher Education in coordination by University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) for the project, “Study of Academic Recognition & Acknowledgement Plan for Higher Education in Malaysia”. Consultant Member / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for ASEAN and Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia for the project in developing the “ASEAN Tourism Development Corridor”
Total Funding Awarded: RM31,900. Lead Consultant / External (International) funding
Consultant for National Higher Education Research Institute (IPPTN) based in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the project on “The Establishment of Malaysian Institution of Higher Learning Overseas”. Total Funding Awarded: RM258,000. Consultant Member / External (National) funding
Consultant for Ministry of Economic Affairs for the project, “MICE Evaluation in Taipei, Taiwan”. Consultant Member / No funding (fully hosted by Taiwan MICE International Meetings Hosting Project under the Taiwan Familiarization Tour Programme)
Consultant for Ministry of Higher Education for the project, “Takrifan Pengantarabangsaan” (Defining Internationalisation) Bagi Teras 5: Mempergiatkan Pengantarabangsaan, Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN). Total Funding Awarded: RM155,250.00. Consultant Member / External (National) funding by Ministry of Higher Education via Project Lead, UKM
Consultant for City Council of Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) for the project, Analysing the Service Quality of the City Council of Kuala Lumpur (DBKL). Total Funding Awarded: RM2mil. Consultant Member / External (National) funding by City Council of Kuala Lumpur via Project Lead, USM)
Consultant for Resort World Genting, Pahang for the project, “Preliminary Study - SERVICE QUALITY AUDIT: Resort World Genting, Pahang, Malaysia”. Lead Consultant / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for KL Metro Group (Hotel Division) for the project, “Preliminary Study - SERVICE QUALITY AUDIT: Grand Lexis Resort, Port Dickson, N.Sembilan, Malaysia”. Lead Consultant / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for KL Metro Group (Hotel Division) for the project, “Preliminary Study - SERVICE QUALITY AUDIT: Lexis Hibiscus Resort, Port Dickson, N.Sembilan, Malaysia”. Lead Consultant / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for Taylor’s University for the project, “Preliminary Study - SERVICE QUALITY AUDIT: Ruemz Hotel, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia”. Lead Consultant / No funding (CSR)
Consultant for Pearson International, funded via Indian Graduates Association of Universiti Putra Malaysia based in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for the project on “Scaling-up Dairy Farmers of Malaysia from Low Yield to High Yield Income via Literacy and Capacity Building”. Total Funding Awarded: RM125,000. Consultant Member / External (International) funding
Consultant for Luxemburg Development for technical assistance to for the Development of Human Resources in the Hotel and Tourism Sector and Capacity Development of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism with the focus on, “Developing Community-based Tourism (CBT) Toolkit”. Total Funding Awarded: USD4,750. Lead Consultant / External (International) funding.
Consultant for University of The Bahamas in writing the Country report for The Bahamas on Sustainable Development Goals. The project was funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Total Funding Awarded: USD49,420. Lead Consultant / External (International) funding